Yun NI 倪赟
Graduate Student
Joint Mentor: Dr. Wenbin Deng
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Sun Yat-sen University
A Bit About Me
Immune system is traditionally considered as a defending system that protects us from intruders. While this concept still holds true, more and more studies have revealed it’s also intimately involved in regulating physiology of diverse tissues. I’m particularly interested in understanding how the peripheral immune system talks to the central nervous system in health and disease. I believe cytokines produced in periphery would be one of the major languages. In 2022, I joined Dr. Wu’s lab, where I will investigate the communication through cytokines between the peripheral immune system and the CNS, as well as the impact of such communication on brain function and neurodegenerative diseases.
2022.9 - Present Graduate Student, Lin Wu lab, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
2022.2 - 2022.8 Research Assistant, Lin Wu Lab, Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
2019 - 2022 Junior Scientist of CAR-T R&D platform, Legend Biotech
2016 - 2019 Master, Analytical Chemistry, Nanjing Tech University
2012 - 2016 Bachelor, Light Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University
2016 - 2019 Graduate academic scholarship
2016 Excellent graduation thesis of Nanjing Tech University
2012 - 2013 National Endeavor Scholarship (top 5%)
Yun Ni, Hang Zhang, Chou Chai, Bo Peng, Lin Li,# Chengwu Zhang, Hua Bai, Kah-Leong Lim, # Wei Huang,* Mitochondria-targeted two-photon fluorescent photosensitizers for cancer cell apoptosis via spatial selectability. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2019, 1900212.
GaoBin Zhang,* Yun Ni, * DuoTeng Zhang, ChangMin Yu, # Lin Li #and Wei Huang, # Rational design of NIR fluorescence probes for sensitive detection of viscosity in living cells. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A. 2019, 214, 339. (* equal contribution)
Yanfei Zhao, Yun Ni, Liulin Wang, Lin Li# and Wei Huang, # Ligand-displacement-based two-photon fluorogenic probe for visualizing mercapto biomolecules in live cells, Drosophila brains and zebrafish. Analyst. 2018, 143, 3433.
Mingrui Weng, Xue Yang, Yun Ni, Chenchen Xu, Hang Zhang, Jinjun Shao, # Nannan Shi, Chengwu Zhang, # Qiong Wu, Lin Li, # Wei Huang. Deep-red fluorogenic probe for rapid detection of nitric oxide in Parkinson’s disease models. Sens. Actuators, B 2019, 283, 769.
Suzhi Cai, Huifang Shi, Yun Ni, Lin Li, Zhongfu An,# and Wei Huang#. Visible-Light-Excited Ultralong Organic Phosphorescence by Manipulating Intermolecular Interactions. Adv. Mater. 2017, 29, 1701244.